Sunday, November 7, 2010

How To Harness Negative Emotions To Nurture A Fertile Mindset

Emotion = energy in motion. Each emotion has a frequency and a wavelength.emotions

This is why dogs can sense your fear and growl at you or can sense your sadness and nuzzle you to make you feel better.

Like anything that emits a frequency, emotions require energy.

That valuable energy is coming from your energy reserves. Some unpleasant emotions (sadness, anger and rage) can actually help us grow and teach us a lot as long as we know how to harness them.

Lets look at some common negative emotions in turn:

Sadness can be a therapeutic emotion if we allow ourselves to express it. Crying can be very cleansing; it removes old painful emotions and memories.

Here is what Clarissa Pinkola Estes wrote about tears and crying in her beautiful book: Women who run with the wolves:

Tears are rivers that take you somewhere. Weeping creates a river around the boat that carries your soul life. Tears lift your boat off the rocks, off dry ground, carrying it downriver to someplace new, someplace better.(C. Pinkola Estes)

Anger and rage are very powerful emotions. They can also be very cleansing, but in a different way (like a thunder and lightning storm) if released in a productive way.

Guilt is an emotion with little to offer: guilt keeps taking and gives nothing back. Unresolved guilt can attack our own being from the inside and literally eat away at us.

The first step towards releasing an emotion is to become aware of it. Sometimes we carry an emotion around with us for so long that we forget what it really feels like to be free of it.

Here are the 8 ways for harnessing your emotions

1. Become fully aware of how you feel and write it down.

2. Write down all the thoughts that come up while feeling each emotion. These are the anchors which keep the emotion in place.

3. For each emotion write down what exactly makes you feel this way (a person, a situation, something about you).

4. The emotion will intensify or change when you hit the cause and when it does just allow it to flow.

5. If its a person that is making you feel the way you do, write a letter to that person explaining exactly how you feel and why. You dont have to send the letter, you can throw it out as a symbol of letting go of that emotion in your life.

6. If you have had a miscarriage or an abortion write a letter to the spirit that was with you and explain to them that you miss them (if you miscarried) or why you could not look after them at the time (if you had an abortion). Tell them that you wish for them to return and explain that you first need to let go of all the negative emotions related to the event in order for the spirit to move on or come back to you.

7. Before going to sleep at night, think about your desire to be pregnant and have a baby. Lie down in your bed and mentally scan your body for any images or emotions that may be coming up and remember their location. Notice the colors and shapes that you see as they will be valuable clues as to where your blockage to pregnancy may lie. Take a deep breath and visualize the emotion/shape/color leaving your body with the exhalation and new bright white/golden light filling its place on the next inhalation. Repeat this for all blockages you come across. Next visualize the golden light filling your whole body. Express your gratitude for your beautiful healthy body and go to sleep. Keep repeating this for a month, or until you cant detect any odd shapes and colors with your mental scan.

8. Become aware of your real emotions. Many times we consciously desire one thing but subconsciously believe the opposite. Maybe you have an underlying emotion deep within you which is preventing you from becoming pregnant. If that may be the case write down on a piece of paper why you possibly would not want to be a parent or be a parent but not be pregnant.

Sometimes its the fear of pregnancy that keeps it at bay.

Fears can pose a mental or physical block to pregnancy and as such you need to become aware of them.

To see how quickly thoughts can influence your body do the following exercise:

- Imagine you are standing in the open doorway of a flying airplane with a parachute attached to your back.

- All you can see is the ground far below and you need to jump.

If you visualized this and you are not a professional skydiver its most likely that your palms went sweaty or your heart started racing. Even though this was not real, your brain interpreted your thoughts and visions as real. Fears and thoughts and beliefs from a long time ago have the same effect on our conscious and subconscious mind and the body.

So there is a lot to be said about the things we read, saw, heard as we were growing up. We may have forgotten about them but our subconscious mind hasnt.

There are many effective methods for releasing old negative emotions which are standing in our way of living a full and a happy life. Good emotional cleansers are:

- Meditation

- Visualization



- Yoga

- Breathing Exercises

- Creative expression (dance, painting, writing)

- Exercise

- Massage

- Heart to heart talk with your best friend


Copyright 2009 Iva Keene and Natural Fertility Prescription
Information about the Author:
Leading Fertility Naturopath Iva Keene publishes the Ultimate Fertility ezine with tips to get you pregnant ASAP. Get your free Fertility advice at To see more articles like this one see Iva's Blog at

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Art Of Being Right On Time For Conception

When it comes to identifying your most fertile times many women are more than happy to swap their bodys wisdom for a gadget or a test kit.

These gadgets and kits are not only expensive, but they also make you feel like you would never be able to work this out yourself.

Mother Nature thinks of everything and she even came up with a clever way of letting you know when you are most likely to get pregnant.

All women are familiar with PMS symptoms (pimples, sore boobs, cravings, mood swings etc.) but very few can accurately recognize the symptoms of their peak fertility.

What are they?

- Mucus fluctuations

- Heightened Sex Drive

- Pheromones make you more attractive to the opposite sex for the duration of your peak fertility (how sneaky is that?)

- Energy boost

Out of those the most reliable key to recognizing your most fertile time is your cervical mucus. I know to some the thought of examining your mucus may sound gross but seriously, its the easiest and simplest way of telling when you should have sex to get pregnant (and avoid sex if you dont want to get pregnant), so just do it. Your cycle is as unique as you are and no gadget will be able to tell you as precisely as your own body when you are fertile. You will also learn a thing or two about your cycle which may surprise you or even alert you that something is wrong. So rejoice that you have an access to such an amazing built in mechanism. Ok here we go;

Mucus fluctuates with your hormones

- At the beginning of the cycle your oestrogen levels are low. The mucus mirrors its levels and will be scanty, sticky and tacky and opaque in colour. This mucus is infertile and hostile to sperm as its acidic and thick thus not allowing the sperm to swim forward. It forms a plug across the cervix preventing sperm from entering.

- As your oestrogen gradually starts increasing with your approaching ovulation, the mucus will change in quantity and texture. This mucus is not yet fertile but its becoming more fluid and the pH is increasing and becoming more sperm friendly.

- As you approach ovulation your mucus will become wetter, clearer and thinner. And there will be more of it (profuse). This is already fertile mucus and it will enable sperm to swim and survive due to a friendly pH.

- Right before ovulation when oestrogen levels peak, mucus will become raw egg white like, it will stretch between your fingers up to 5-10 cm. This type of mucus is also called spin for its ability to be stretched. This is the most fertile type of mucus, it dislodges the mucus plug, leaving the gates to the cervix open, and its consistency allows the sperm to swim and survive. (hint: this is the mucus with baby written all over it)

- After ovulation as the levels of oestrogen start to drop, the mucus will gradually return to what it looked like after the period and before ovulation: infertile.

What are we looking for when checking mucus?

- How does it feel when you are walking around?
- How does it look?
- How much of it is there?
- What colour is it?
- How does it smell and if you are brave enough taste?

When should you check your mucus?

When you have to do a wee. Simple! Before doing a wee just check if there is any mucus on the mouth of the vagina. If there is, examine it between your fingers and use the above criteria to tell if its fertile or not.

This is a simplified explanation of the basics for recognizing your peak fertility. It takes time and practice before you can confidently rely on this information alone. There are also additional natural methods which can confirm whether you ovulated or not. So seek help and advice from a qualified health practitioner versed in natural fertility, who will teach you how to chart your cycles properly.

Having said that practice makes perfect and the sooner you start the faster you will master the art of determining your most fertile time.

Copyright 2009 Iva Keene and Natural Fertility Prescription
Information about the Author:
Leading Fertility Naturopath Iva Keene publishes the Ultimate Fertility ezine with tips to get you pregnant ASAP. Get your free Fertility advice at To see more articles like this one see Iva's Blog at

Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Buy Toddler Clothes

One thing you can guarantee about your baby when she is born, and that is she will have no clothes on; she will be naked. There will be no shock horror amongst the people in the delivery room when the baby makes her grand entry into the human world with its social practices and stigma.

Your first decision will be whether to buy a toddler bed. The toddler bed is a piece of furniture sized just right for babies who are too big for their crib. Most use the mattress from the crib, however, so they are not actually that much bigger in size.

The Long and the Lean

It is believed that the condition of birth determines what a child will look like when it grows up. But there is no way to predict exactly the rate of their growth. However, recent studies have claimed that heavy babies tend to grow up fat and long babies tend to grow up tall. But this may be contestable.

Baby clothing manufacturers do not follow rigorous standards with regard to size. Yes, there are the basic guidelines of 0 – 3 months, 3- 6 months and so on, but compare manufacturers and you will find that interpretations of these sizes can very quite a bit.

It is important that you know of good quality brands for your childrens clothing. A shirt that is manufactured by a well-known and trusted company lasts longer and does not have stain problems. It can even appear like new after your kid wear it several times already and after many washings. When your child no longer needs the clothing, probably because your kids have grown taller and bigger, you may resell them at online children stores for lower prices.

Dress up fun. Go to Goodwill and get a bunch of fun, fancy dress up clothes (old dresses, a boa, high heels, hats, boots, jackets, dress pants, ties). Have your toddler put on a fashion show, if you want to - join your toddler. Have a tea party, play office or restaurant. Let your toddler's imagination flow. Make sure to bring out the camera.

An alternative to even having a dresser and shelves taking up space in your toddler room is to create a closet that takes the place of a bulky dresser. You can easily install a small lock on a closet door to keep a curious toddler out. Simply buy planks of wood and cut them to the depth and width of the closet.

After all, toddlers, especially during the later parts of toddlerhood, can understand what is being told to them easily. Bringing a toy might also help. If the toddler refuses to behave during toddler clothing shopping, parents should promise a reward for appropriate or good behavior. This reward can be small-like a cheap toy or a particular food item.

You should also avoid toddler clothes that are potential fire hazards. Toddler clothes such as those with loose-fitting styles or airy fabrics, or those with loose sleeves and ruffles may be prone to fire. While you can teach your toddler not to play fire and any materials that can create flame (such as matches and lighters), wearing toddler clothes such as fit clothes, clothes with narrow sleeves, and or those made of tightly woven fabrics reduce the chance of catching fire.
Information about the Author:
Read About Hair Care Also Read About How To Buy Toddler Clothes and Cleaning Your Child

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Post Birth Survival Guide

In order to make the first few days after your baby is born into the most positive, happy and relaxed time where you get to spend the maximum amount of time with your beautiful brand-new tiny baby, these are the things that you should allow yourself to do no matter what.

Try to breastfeed your baby. It is what your body is built to do and it also promotes the love hormone oxytocin to help you bond with your baby. There is nothing on earth that will create a bond as strong as breastfeeding your newborn baby.

Skin to skin contact
Have as much skin to skin contact with your newborn as possible. Have your newborn lying on your chest with just a nappy on and a blanket draped around them to keep them warm. That skin on skin contact will give you a surge of hormones that brings you and your baby ever more closer and strengthens the unique mother-child connection between you.

Love your pyjamas
If you Want to stay in your pyjamas until it's time to go bed again at night, then you do just that! All that matters is that you and your baby get to spend as much time with each
other as possible in those first few days and weeks, so love your pyjamas! Heck, why not get a few extra pairs!

Bath with your baby
A lovely, relaxing, positive thing to do is to get into a warm bath. Then lower your baby slowly and, of course, very carefully into the water on his back.Then bring him to your chest for
a cuddle. Not only are you both relaxing in this warm cocoon of water, but you are also having skin to skin contact as well. This can only promote confidence happiness and positivity
in your newborn.

Never say no to extra help
If your mom offers to do the laundry or your neighbour or friend offers to collect the other children from school, just say yes! This gives you more time to relax and settle into
the routine of a new baby. It also gives you more time to play with and get to know your beautiful little newborn so accept as much help as possible.

Fill that freezer
Make sure that in the week or two run up to the birth, you get friends, family and yourself to cook lots of meals which you can freeze. Then once baby has arrived you can just pull out
pre cooked delicious meals, shove them in the oven and not have to worry about preparing food in the evenings. Therefore you can enjoy more time with your baby.

Catnap, catnap, catnap
Try to get as many snatches of extra sleep as possible, so when baby sleeps you can have a sleep too. Grab as many catnaps as you can during the day and this will help compensate for
all the broken, sleepless nights that you're bound to experience.

Ignore the house work
The house work can wait. The housework doesn't care. House work is irrelevant when it comes to the birth of a new baby. So don't panic, you can be sure lots of people will be happy to chip in with a bit of tidying! You just focus on getting some rest and being with your beautiful bouncing baby.
Information about the Author:
Fern Joseph is a mother of three who is passionate about pregnancy and general nutrition. Visit her website at

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Impact Of Aging On Male Fertility

Any debate on advancing age and its effects on fertility has always been linked to women as if men do not get impacted at all. This understanding or the lack of it has been exposed thoroughly and research indicates that men too experience significant changes related to fertility in terms of decreasing sperm count and motility as they grow older.

This is a result of the physiological changes that are inevitable and one of them takes place in the form of the reduction of the testicular mass. Simultaneously, there is also a decrease in the testosterone level, the seminal tubes lose their resilience and with the epididymis and the prostate glands shedding cells; the pace of sperm production definitely takes a hit.

To compound the above problems, one out of two men suffer from a benign prostate condition which may not be dangerous to life but seriously inhibits the motility of sperms leading to lesser probability of the egg getting fertilized. Advancing age also weakens the muscles accountable for ejaculation; with the result the sperms ejaculated do not have the legs in them to reach the egg. It is a paradox that despite these problems, semen characteristics continue to remain very much within the standard norms and do not reflect major changes.

Another significant development that has been noticed is the DNA duplication process running into errors and that is the primary reason that semen donation has been restricted till the age of 40, as it has been discovered that the sperm cells of a man in his late forties would undergo far greater divisions as compared to an individual in his twenties.
Certain other complications like the Marfan syndrome, which is a genetic disorder associated with the connective tissue, causing abnormally long limbs and Apert Syndrome, which leads to deformities in the skull, face are known to occur in the offspring fathered by males over 45.

It is an accepted fact that aging by itself does not impact the sexual performance or thwarts a person from becoming a father. It is not the physical aspect that gets affected due to age but problems that are caused due to medication or mental factors that may precipitate a decline in the fertility levels. A case in point is impotence which may be due to some medications being taken for hypertension or diabetes; affecting the sexual performance of an otherwise healthy person. Such individuals need to consult their physician for an alternative mode of treatment.

Low libido due to reduction in testosterone levels, impotence and lack of understanding among the partners invariably causes a lower sex drive which in turn impacts fertility and need to be addressed accordingly. Research has revealed that the ability to have a satisfactory sexual life in the middle years of an individual often determines his sexual performance in his later years, influencing his capability to father children at that age.

Decreasing testosterone levels seriously affects fertility and manifests itself in the form of abnormal weight gain, insomnia, lack of self confidence, anxiety, problems with memory and even loss of hair. The problem needs to be tackled from different perspectives and only then can a practical solution emerge.

It would be incorrect to ascribe loss of fertility to male menopause, as various other reasons like stress, medication in addition to aging also play their part in negatively impacting male fertility. The key to maintain a top physical and physiological state is to indulge in regular exercise, minimize stress and seek timely medical advice. While the subject of male fertility demands far greater attention and research, current information borne out of extensive study shows that men can and do have the capability to father children even in their later years.
Information about the Author:
Steve Taylor is the webmaster of popular Male Fertility Information website. visit us online at

Monday, July 5, 2010

Things You Can Do To Improve Low Sperm Count

Problems related to male fertility have been researched and talked about in the recent past. Infertility and low sperm count related problems have been a cause for concern for couples who are not able to conceive.

Following some of the suggestions given below can help in boosting sperm count and thereby the chances of conception. They are:

Cut down on unhealthy habits

It has been medically proven that alcohol and smoking are the main causes for male infertility. Nicotine as well as alcohol inhibits the production of healthy sperms. Men who consume drugs along with alcohol and smoke are at a higher risk of infertility. It is advised to seek professional help to fight such problems.

Take control of stress levels

Stress, depression and other heart ailments are some of the other causes for male infertility and low sperm count. Heredity could be another reason. Tensions at the work place and other personal problems may cause depression which can also lead to male infertility.

One time tested solution which needs to be made part of your daily regimen is regular exercise. Before getting geared up for the exercise regimen, get the green signal from your family physician, so that you do not end up aggravating the problem. Similarly, yoga and other deep meditation techniques are highly effective, since they de-stress the body and helps calm both the mind as well as body.

Follow the right diet

It has been found that obesity is also one of the other reasons contributing to a low sperm count. Eat healthy and nutritious food and desist the temptation of calorie rich soda drinks. Reduce the intake of caffeine. Drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated.

Seek help from a professional

You need to approach fertility clinics and take expert opinion from the experts to boost the sperm count. You need to follow their advice to abstain from alcohol and cigarette smoking.

You could also look at other alternatives like herbal supplements. Extensive research has been conducted on these natural and herbal supplements and they have proven to be highly effective in treating infertility. These herbal supplements are referred as "Semen Volume Enhancers" and they help in improving and energizing sexual health.

Men who drive continuously for long periods of time or men who sit for hours together on the computer need to take a break every half an hour. In case this is not practical, they need to do some exercise with extended breaks. Tight underpants could be another reason for male infertility; the reason being the testes is pressed. Long term sitting results in compression of the testes. During sitting, the thigh area gets warmer and the damage takes place. Professional drivers are also at a greater risk of developing infertility related problems. Temperature changes and lifestyle too have a bearing on the sperm count. Simple and practical changes can be introduced in the lifestyle to fight these problems.
Effect of Cell Phones

Of late, the infertility cases have been on the rise and some of them have been attributed to the extensive use of cell phones. Clinical tests conducted on a group of men who used cell phones for more than four hours daily, revealed that they had a low sperm count. They were potential candidates for developing fertility related problems in the near future.

How can we tackle this problem?

You need to take immediate and responsible steps before the situation gets out of control. Try and cut down on the usage of cell phones. This is one way of preventing phone radiation. Do not attach the cell phone to your belt. Avoid keeping it in your trouser pocket. It results in increase in the temperature. Men of child-bearing age are encouraged to take steps to reduce their exposure to cell phone radiation as much as possible.

Never carry a cell phone on the belt or in a pocket near the groin, where it can raise the temperature in this receptive area and could lead to fertility problems.
Information about the Author:
Steve Taylor is the webmaster of popular Male Fertility Information website. visit us online at

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Early Pregnancy Symptoms Discharge, Heartburn, Nausea and More

There are many common early pregnancy symptoms. Discharge from the vagina is almost universal in the early weeks of a pregnancy. This increase in the discharge is due to the increase in the growth of the cells lining the vagina. The walls naturally start to thicken as soon as the egg is fertilized and this thickening can cause you to have a discharge of a white, milky fluid. The medical term for this fluid is leucorrhea and is harmless so it doesn¡¯t need any treatment. This discharge may actually continue throughout the pregnancy.

If you notice that the discharge has a foul odour, then this could be the symptom of a bacteria or yeast infection. Other symptoms of this that will require you to have medical treatment in the form of creams and vaginal suppositories include itching and burning sensations. Douching will not have any effect on the normal discharge you experience during pregnancy.

Other early symptoms of pregnancy that you can watch for in addition to missing your normal menstrual period include:

Morning Sickness. This is common in the first trimester of pregnancy and the name comes from the fact that most women have nauseous feelings early in the morning. Nausea and queasiness can occur though at any time of the day or night. You may also develop an aversion to foods you once loved to eat or to the smell of certain foods being cooked. These food aversions and the nausea are not harmful and are a normal part of carrying a baby in the womb. The sick feelings tend to abate at about the 13th or 14th week, although some women continue to feel sick all through the pregnancy. Some helpful hints include having dry crackers ready to settle your stomach and eating small meals more often so that you don¡¯t feel hungry.

Constipation. This complaint affects a large proportion of pregnant women. It is largely due to an increase in the body production of progesterone which decreases the colon ability to absorb water from the food you eat. Drinking more milk than you usually do can also cause bouts of constipation. This problem tends to worsen just after the first trimester. You can help ease the problem by making sure you drink plenty of water, getting plenty of exercise and including foods high in fibre in your diet.

Dizziness or Fainting. Many pregnant women first find out they are pregnant after they faint and then go to the doctor to try to determine the cause. It is also more noticeable in the second trimester when you get up or move suddenly. During pregnancy the blood vessels dilate at a dramatic rate and the amount of blood may be too much for the vessels. This is what causes the dizzy or fainting spells.

Fatique. Feeling more tired than usual is a very common early sign that you may be pregnant. The blood is carrying more oxygen to the fetus in the womb, which causes your heart to beat faster and in turn causes you to feel fatigued. Take naps during the day or if this is not possible start going to bed earlier at night. Eating foods that are rich in protein and iron can also help to reduce the feelings of tiredness.
Information about the Author:
For more information onearly pregnancy symptoms like discharge,pregnancy stages,nursing gowns and related topics visit