Monday, July 5, 2010

Things You Can Do To Improve Low Sperm Count

Problems related to male fertility have been researched and talked about in the recent past. Infertility and low sperm count related problems have been a cause for concern for couples who are not able to conceive.

Following some of the suggestions given below can help in boosting sperm count and thereby the chances of conception. They are:

Cut down on unhealthy habits

It has been medically proven that alcohol and smoking are the main causes for male infertility. Nicotine as well as alcohol inhibits the production of healthy sperms. Men who consume drugs along with alcohol and smoke are at a higher risk of infertility. It is advised to seek professional help to fight such problems.

Take control of stress levels

Stress, depression and other heart ailments are some of the other causes for male infertility and low sperm count. Heredity could be another reason. Tensions at the work place and other personal problems may cause depression which can also lead to male infertility.

One time tested solution which needs to be made part of your daily regimen is regular exercise. Before getting geared up for the exercise regimen, get the green signal from your family physician, so that you do not end up aggravating the problem. Similarly, yoga and other deep meditation techniques are highly effective, since they de-stress the body and helps calm both the mind as well as body.

Follow the right diet

It has been found that obesity is also one of the other reasons contributing to a low sperm count. Eat healthy and nutritious food and desist the temptation of calorie rich soda drinks. Reduce the intake of caffeine. Drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated.

Seek help from a professional

You need to approach fertility clinics and take expert opinion from the experts to boost the sperm count. You need to follow their advice to abstain from alcohol and cigarette smoking.

You could also look at other alternatives like herbal supplements. Extensive research has been conducted on these natural and herbal supplements and they have proven to be highly effective in treating infertility. These herbal supplements are referred as "Semen Volume Enhancers" and they help in improving and energizing sexual health.

Men who drive continuously for long periods of time or men who sit for hours together on the computer need to take a break every half an hour. In case this is not practical, they need to do some exercise with extended breaks. Tight underpants could be another reason for male infertility; the reason being the testes is pressed. Long term sitting results in compression of the testes. During sitting, the thigh area gets warmer and the damage takes place. Professional drivers are also at a greater risk of developing infertility related problems. Temperature changes and lifestyle too have a bearing on the sperm count. Simple and practical changes can be introduced in the lifestyle to fight these problems.
Effect of Cell Phones

Of late, the infertility cases have been on the rise and some of them have been attributed to the extensive use of cell phones. Clinical tests conducted on a group of men who used cell phones for more than four hours daily, revealed that they had a low sperm count. They were potential candidates for developing fertility related problems in the near future.

How can we tackle this problem?

You need to take immediate and responsible steps before the situation gets out of control. Try and cut down on the usage of cell phones. This is one way of preventing phone radiation. Do not attach the cell phone to your belt. Avoid keeping it in your trouser pocket. It results in increase in the temperature. Men of child-bearing age are encouraged to take steps to reduce their exposure to cell phone radiation as much as possible.

Never carry a cell phone on the belt or in a pocket near the groin, where it can raise the temperature in this receptive area and could lead to fertility problems.
Information about the Author:
Steve Taylor is the webmaster of popular Male Fertility Information website. visit us online at