Saturday, June 26, 2010

Early Pregnancy Symptoms Discharge, Heartburn, Nausea and More

There are many common early pregnancy symptoms. Discharge from the vagina is almost universal in the early weeks of a pregnancy. This increase in the discharge is due to the increase in the growth of the cells lining the vagina. The walls naturally start to thicken as soon as the egg is fertilized and this thickening can cause you to have a discharge of a white, milky fluid. The medical term for this fluid is leucorrhea and is harmless so it doesn¡¯t need any treatment. This discharge may actually continue throughout the pregnancy.

If you notice that the discharge has a foul odour, then this could be the symptom of a bacteria or yeast infection. Other symptoms of this that will require you to have medical treatment in the form of creams and vaginal suppositories include itching and burning sensations. Douching will not have any effect on the normal discharge you experience during pregnancy.

Other early symptoms of pregnancy that you can watch for in addition to missing your normal menstrual period include:

Morning Sickness. This is common in the first trimester of pregnancy and the name comes from the fact that most women have nauseous feelings early in the morning. Nausea and queasiness can occur though at any time of the day or night. You may also develop an aversion to foods you once loved to eat or to the smell of certain foods being cooked. These food aversions and the nausea are not harmful and are a normal part of carrying a baby in the womb. The sick feelings tend to abate at about the 13th or 14th week, although some women continue to feel sick all through the pregnancy. Some helpful hints include having dry crackers ready to settle your stomach and eating small meals more often so that you don¡¯t feel hungry.

Constipation. This complaint affects a large proportion of pregnant women. It is largely due to an increase in the body production of progesterone which decreases the colon ability to absorb water from the food you eat. Drinking more milk than you usually do can also cause bouts of constipation. This problem tends to worsen just after the first trimester. You can help ease the problem by making sure you drink plenty of water, getting plenty of exercise and including foods high in fibre in your diet.

Dizziness or Fainting. Many pregnant women first find out they are pregnant after they faint and then go to the doctor to try to determine the cause. It is also more noticeable in the second trimester when you get up or move suddenly. During pregnancy the blood vessels dilate at a dramatic rate and the amount of blood may be too much for the vessels. This is what causes the dizzy or fainting spells.

Fatique. Feeling more tired than usual is a very common early sign that you may be pregnant. The blood is carrying more oxygen to the fetus in the womb, which causes your heart to beat faster and in turn causes you to feel fatigued. Take naps during the day or if this is not possible start going to bed earlier at night. Eating foods that are rich in protein and iron can also help to reduce the feelings of tiredness.
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Expect Different Changes in Each of the Pregnancy Stages

There are three pregnancy stages called trimesters. Each one lasts for about three months of the pregnancy and involves bringing new changes to your body, the development of the baby and your relationships with your partner and those around you. It is important to have an understanding of what to expect in each of these stages so that you will not become unnecessarily stressed when they occur. The changes involve your emotions as well as the shape of your body and your level of comfort.

The sexual relationship between partners undergoes a change during these stages as well. The first trimester is often a traumatic experience for both partners with the morning sickness, extreme tiredness and general emotional changes, which often results in a decrease in lovemaking. This usually returns to normal in the second trimester. During the third trimester, with your body expanding quite quickly, you may have to find more comfortable positions in order to show your love for one another and sate your sexual desires.

The first trimester lasts for about twelve weeks. The increase in your hormones will cause you some discomfort with feelings of nausea. You may become ill when you see or smell some of your favourite foods and morning sickness is one of the early signs. When you wake in the morning and get out of bed, you may have to run to the washroom to throw up. Some women experience this later in the day and in some cases it is quite extreme. Usually it does abate by the end of the first three months.

In addition to not having any menstrual periods, you will notice that your breasts are tender and seem to enlarge. You will not notice any major increase in the size of your belly, but by the end of the first trimester, the waistbands may feel a little tighter than normal. You will feel tired most of the time and have to take naps during the day or early evening. Another consequence of this early stage of pregnancy is an increase in the frequency of urinating, which means more trips to the bathroom.

Your pregnancy will start to show during the second trimester. The riskiest period for a miscarriage is over and you can start to relax. You will experience more energy during this time and be able to do most of your normal activities. Due to the increased blood flow to the breasts and genitals, you will have an increased interest in sexual activity. You will start to feel the baby moving inside and have your first ultrasound during this time. This will make the pregnancy seem more real to you.

This is the stage of pregnancy when your uterus will start to enlarge as the baby starts to grow and develop more fully. This also puts more pressure on the blood vessels, often causing your blood pressure to rise. There is also more pressure on the ligaments and muscles of your lower body, resulting in back and leg pain.

The final stage of pregnancy, the third trimester, is the time for you to start planning for the baby if you haven¡¯t already done so. All of the baby organs are developed and this is a time for waiting for the baby to grow. Towards the end of this stage, you will experience a nesting attitude in which you want to make sure you have everything ready for the new arrival. You also need to get more rest at this time to prepare your body for the upcoming event.
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For more information onpregnancy stages,early pregnancy discharge, nursing gowns, and related topics visit

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Planning a Pregnancy One of the Often Overlooked Stages of Pregnancy

Many people refer to the stages of pregnancy as the three trimesters. However, your health before you get pregnant plays an important role in having a healthy pregnancy and in giving birth to a healthy baby. Although many pregnancies are unplanned, when you do start thinking about having a baby it is essential to start the process of planning. Before you even know that you are pregnant, the baby is starting to form in the womb and the organs are starting to develop. To give the little one a head start, the planning stage is a critical one that you shouldn¡¯t overlook.

When you plan your pregnancy, you will likely conceive easier and avoid many of the complications associated with pregnancies. The healthier you are before you get pregnant, the easier delivery you will have and the faster you will recover. This means being aware of your body and the changes it will go through over the 40 weeks of the pregnancy. You do need to have a complete check up to ensure you don¡¯t have any pre-existing medical conditions that will make it difficult for you to conceive and carry the baby to full term. The first step is to stop taking birth control pills. It may take you two or three months after this to be able to conceive. However, if you are using other methods or birth control, such as condoms or a diaphragm, you can easily become pregnant right away.

You should know the common signs of being pregnant, such as a missed period, tender and swollen breasts, an increase in the urge to urinate and nausea. Your emotions will also start to change so that you may start crying over very insignificant things, which could cause your partner to get frustrated with you. These changes occur before you have your first pregnancy test, so you may not even realize that you are going to have a baby.

The care giver you choose is a part of planning your pregnancy as well. You may opt to use a midwife or a physician. If you do encounter complications, the physician may refer you to a gynaecologist early in the pregnancy or may wait until later. You should get used to being poked and prodded and having many different kinds of medical tests and exams. These include blood tests, tests for glucose and urine tests. Ultrasounds are also part of the prenatal care in which the doctor can determine the health of the baby.

Where you choose to have your baby is also something that you need to consider. While many women choose to have the baby in the regular delivery room of the hospital, you may want to have your baby at home. You do need to make sure that the birth setting you choose offers the best medical care so that if complications arise during the birth they can be handled at this location.

Learning to reduce the amount of stress in your life is also a part of the planning stage. Stress can cause you to enjoy or detest the idea of being pregnant, which in turn will affect the health of the baby. Make sure you are in good physical shape before you become pregnant so that your muscles, joints and ligaments are strong. You should also continue with your exercise as best you can while you are pregnant.
Information about the Author:
For more information on thestages of pregnancy, early pregnancy symptoms like discharge, nursing gowns, and related topics visit