Wednesday, December 23, 2009

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Your Guide to Emotional Recovery after Abortion

Losing a child, especially through abortion, is not an easy thing to deal with. Women who go through abortion, for whatever reason, often suffer from bouts of guilt, depression, and sadness with the feeling of having lost something. There are a lot of things that might go on in the mind of someone who has had an abortion, and if these things go unresolved, it may cause that person to do certain things they wouldn’t normally do. Some of these things may include turning to substance abuse, like alcohol or drugs or even hurting oneself to help release the feelings of guilt, depression, and anger that may be coursing through their mind. Recovering emotionally as well as mentally from an abortion requires more than just trying to come to terms with what happened, it also requires a little help from people around you and from deep within yourself.

Getting Started

When you are faced with the fact that you had an abortion, you may sometimes want to hide from that reality by turning to things that might make you forget about your feelings like drugs or alcohol. These are just temporary reprieves from reality and after your “fix”, you find yourself faced with the fact that it did happen and the bad feelings you have about it are still there. There are others who, instead of trying to forget, want to remember and continuously punish themselves for what happened by constantly remembering. These actions do not work towards your healing and do not help you recuperate from the bad feelings you have about the abortion.

The first thing you need to do is to face the reality that it did happen and you have to learn to move on. One of the ways for you to come to terms with the pain of the loss or the feeling of sadness and guilt you might have over it is to find someone you can trust and share these feelings with. This should be a person you feel won’t judge you for what you have done and would be open to helping you get over these emotions you have about having an abortion.

Finding Someone to Share it With

Finding the right person to share this burden with is never easy. You might think that you can share this emotional burden you have over the abortion with your partner, your sister, your mom, or someone else close to you but then you might think that they will judge you harshly for what you did. If your partner was part of the decision to have the child aborted, is he the right person to talk to about these feelings? You need to ask yourself a few questions about your partner and your relationship before you can decide that he can share the emotional burden with you. Are members of your family close to you? Did they influence you to have the abortion in any way? You may need to find a person you know who will understand why you did what you did and not judge you for it and whether it is a friend, a neighbor or a professional, talking about it and facing it are the first steps to getting yourself to heal emotionally from the abortion.
Information about the Author:
Florida Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Abortion Clinics Orlando in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including Florida abortion clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services and sexually transmitted disease screening and counseling.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Getting Help With Pregnancy By Way Of Home Insemination

When most couples get married one of the things that most of them hope to have in the future is a family. It's not always possible for this to happen entirely naturally and so a growing number of women request IVF treatment so that they can become pregnant. Not many people know that it is now possible to have IVF treatment at home in the form of home insemination.

Some couples who really want a family may not be able to afford the usual form of IVF treatment, while others spend a small fortune. Home insemination is a much cheaper form of IVF treatment, which means that more people can afford to have it.

The fact of the matter is that the number of people who are completely infertile is actually quite small, for many other couples IVF treatment may mean that they can have the child or children they so desperately want.

If a couple is not able to have a child through the normal means of sexual intercourse, for a variety of reasons, then artificial insemination is a way of dealing with this. Artificial insemination takes the semen from the man and inserts it into the wife's genital tract in order for her to become pregnant.

This method is not always successful at first and so couples may have to have the treatment a number of times before it results in a pregnancy. In some cases the sperm has to be placed either in the neck of the womb, which is known as intravaginal insemination or it is sometimes placed inside the womb, known as intrauterine insemination. The method that is used for home insemination is the intravaginal method.

Some men have a problem with their sperm and then a sperm donor might be used, this may also happen if a lesbian couple want to have a child. Home insemination, like all artificial insemination methods should be carried out at the time of the woman's ovulation, which is during the menstrual cycle when the eggs are released as this is normally a woman's most fertile time.

Ovulation usually occurs fourteen days before the onset of a period, if a woman's periods are irregular then artificial insemination is more difficult. There are tests that can be done to find out when the most fertile period is likely to be.

If a couple is successful with IVF, in 90% of cases this is in the first five or six cycles, much beyond that and IVF may not be suitable. The home insemination method of intravaginal insemination is useful for couples who have problems in getting the sperm to the correct place.

Home insemination is quite cheap and you can get a kit for around $30. There are also basic kits that you can get for around $15. When you buy a home insemination kit you will find that it comes with all the instructions that you need. Women who are using the sperm of a donor need to ensure that the donor is first tested for HIV and other diseases before going ahead with it.

If you have problems with ovulation then it's possible to get products that help with this when they are used in conjunction with a home insemination kit. If you cannot afford the cost of IVF at a fertility clinic then this kit might be just the product that you need so that you can have the child or children you want.
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Sunday, December 13, 2009


Dominant Follicle Diameter Helps Select Optimal Day for Oocyte Retrieval in IVM Cycles
In vitro maturation (IVM), a novel assisted reproduction technique, reduces risks associated with in vitro fertilization (IVF) as the eggs are retrieved, matured and fertilized in vitro prior to implantation, thereby eliminating ovarian stimulation. However, the factors predisposing the success or failure of IVM cycles are unclear. Now, a recent study published in the December issue of the journal, Human Reproduction suggests that dominant follicle (DF) size of =14mm at oocyte retrieval following human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) priming improves pregnancy outcomes in cycles programmed for IVM treatment.
Weon-Young Son from the McGill University, Montreal, and coworkers conducted a study on 160 women with polycystic ovaries (171 cycles) to compare the DF size at oocyte retrieval after hCG priming with IVM outcome. When the endometrial thickness reached a minimal of 6 mm, the researchers subcutaneously administered 10,000 IU hCG, 35 to 38 hours prior to oocyte collection. The retrospective analysis was performed in 3 study groups based on the DF diameter: group 1, with a diameter of =10 mm; group 2, between 10 and 14 mm; and group 3 of >14mm. In the corresponding 3 groups, 6.9%, 10.6%, and 15.1% of the in vivo matured oocytes were collected, suggesting a positive correlation between the size and number of oocytes.
Results showed that among the sibling immature oocytes extracted in the 3 groups, the rates of IVM, fertilization and embryo development were similar. It was found that group 3 exhibited a lower clinical pregnancy rate (17.1%) compared to group 2 (40.3%). Furthermore, groups 1 (13.6%) and 2 (14.3%) had higher implantation rates than group 3 (4.9%). Based on the study findings, the researchers proposed DF =14mm as the optimal oocyte retrieval time for IVM cycles, as DF >14 mm may detrimentally affect the sibling immature oocytes.
Earlier, the same group of researchers conducted a retrospective study (Human Reproduction, 2008) to investigate if an extension in the time interval between hCG priming and immature oocyte retrieval enhances the oocyte maturation rate after IVM. The assisted reproduction technique was performed on 113 polycystic ovary syndrome patients (120 cycles) and the oocytes were collected at either 35 hours (group 1=76) or 38 hours (group 2 = 44) following 10,000 IU of hCG priming. The oocyte maturity was analyzed after the retrieval and the culture of the immature oocytes was performed till day 2 using IVM medium. It was found that the number of in vivo matured oocytes was considerably lower in group 1 (13.6%) compared to group 2 (7.3%). Also, group 2 exhibited a higher oocyte maturation rate after day 1 (46.3 vs. 36.0%), clinical pregnancy (40.9 vs. 25%) and implantation rates (15.6 vs. 9.6%) than group 1. Based on the findings, the scientists suggested that extending the time of hCG priming from 35 hours to 38 hours for oocyte retrieval could improve the pregnancy outcome of IVM cycles.
In vitro maturation of immature oocytes collected from unstimulated ovaries is an assisted reproduction technology that is extensively being studied. Some of the advantages of IVM over IVF are that it is less expensive, has shorter treatment regimen, and does not require the use of hormonal fertility drugs for ovarian stimulation. It may thereby eliminate the risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and multiple pregnancies.
Several previous studies have indicated that controlled ovarian stimulation in combination with in vitro fertilization cycles provide better results compared to in vitro maturation techniques. Now, the identification of the optimal hCG priming time and dominant follicle size for oocyte retrieval may help in enhancing the success rates of the novel IVM technique with fewer adverse effects compared to IVF.

Rotunda-The Center for Human Reproduction ,best Surrogacy Center in India provide a high-quality low-cost alternative to patients who in their home country cannot afford the surrogacy procedure because of the high cost or long waiting lines.

For more information related to fertility infertility treatments, male infertility, female infertility, infertility clinic, ivf clinic, ivf treatment,ivf center,surrogacy options in India,surrogate mother in India and infertility specialists please contact

Rotunda-The Center for Human Reproduction
Telephone :+91 22 2655 2000
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Pregnancy Articles:

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Your Eggs and Sperm Can't Live Without This Wonder Oil

Imagine building a house without some of the essential materials. Well it simply wouldnt work, it would be leaky, drafty, insufficiently insulated, and would probably collapse during the first storm.

Our cells are no different to a house. They all have a blueprint (DNA) and are meant to be constructed according to the plan. However when the body makes a request for a particular nutrient to complete the cell construction, it gets a message that the reserves are empty or being held only for the key organs, needed to keep you alive.

One of those essential nutrients are Essential Fatty Acids: Essential because our body cant make them, so we need to get them from food. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are necessary for;

- Normal brain and nervous system function
- Visual acuity and cognition
- Hormone and prostaglandin regulation
- Healthy placental growth
- Brain and liver development in the foetus

The central nervous system starts to develop 21 days after conception; because of this it is essential that the mothers reserves are optimal before conception.

EFAs are also very important for;

- The health of breasts and mammary glands
- Growth of the uterus in the mother

EFAs can protect against SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and post natal depression and have been found to be effective in the treatment of endometriosis, heavy periods, cramping and mild depression. Deficiency has been linked to male infertility and can lead to congenital malformations and spontaneous abortions.

Omega 3 and 6 are known as EFAs. Omega 6 is readily available in food (nuts and seeds and vegetable oils) but Omega 3 is harder to come by and the need for Omega 3 increases during pregnancy and lactation.

Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), are the building blocks of membranes of all cells in the body, and precursors of eciosanoids, hormones important in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, especially in women.

For example period cramps a.k.a. dysmenorrhea, stem from disturbed balance between anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory hormones. By increasing the intake of omega 3 fatty acids your period cramps can vanish.

I speak here from first hand experience. As a teenager, I couldnt leave the house without a Ponstan (a painkiller) on the first day of my period.
When I learned at college about omega 3s I started taking the supplement every day and within 2 cycles I never had to use Ponstan again, my cramps were gone.

Studies have shown that omega 3 fatty acids;

- Facilitate pregnancy in women with infertility problems by increasing uterine blood flow.

- Promote fetal growth by improving placental blood flow.

- Lower the risk of premature birth, by increasing the length of pregnancy and birth weight.

- Facilitate the childs brain development.

- Prevent preeclampsia (high blood pressure in pregnancy).

- Prevent postpartum depression.

- Prevent menopausal problems.

- Prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis.

- Prevent breast cancer.

- Lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). This is especially
important for women receiving hormone therapy, which can increase bad cholesterol.

Buyer Beware

When buying Omega 3 Fish oils, you need to make sure the product;

1. Contains antioxidants to prevent the oil from oxidizing and going rancid
(a.k.a. lipid peroxidation).
2. Has been tested for mercury, dioxin and polychlorinated biphenyls (PBCs), and
meets the established safety limits.

Fish that live a long time (e.g. swordfish, shark and tuna) have a longer time to accumulate environmental toxins. Try to make sure your fish oil comes from wild sardines or wild salmon.

What we all need to be mindful of, is, the ever increasing demand for the ocean fish reserves. Studies have shown, worldwide, the demand for wild fish is now greater than the ocean can supply and projections suggest complete reliance on aquaculture (farmed fish) by 2050.

A solution to this problem is oil from Krill, an abundant zooplankton found in the Antarctic waters. Krill is eaten by whales and other fish. It possesses a fatty acid profile comparable with fish oils. It is a more sustainable solution comparable to fish oils.

How much do you need?

The recommended therapeutic dose of Omega 3 (RTD) is 1000mg three times per day, with food. Never have them on an empty stomach, as they wont absorb properly.

How do you store it?

In the fridge.

If you get fishy burps, you can put it in the freezer and have the capsules frozen, this way they will thaw out in your small intestines instead of your stomach.

Food Sources

Deep sea fish, wild salmon, red snapper, wild trout, herring, halibut, sardines, walnuts, almonds, nuts, seeds, flaxseed oil (only 20% gets converted into the active form), grass fed meat, hemp seed oil.


1. Arthur, R.Omega-3 Sources. The Journal of Complementary Medicine, May/June 2009 Vol 8 No 3.
2. Saldeen P, Saldeen T. Women and omega-3 Fatty acids. Obstet Gynecol Surv.2004 Oct;59(10):722-30; quiz 745-6.
3. Keene, I. 2008. Natural Fertility Prescription, Australian Natural Therapeutics,Switzerland.
Information about the Author:
Leading Fertility Naturopath Iva Keene publishes the Ultimate Fertility ezine with tips to get you pregnant ASAP. Get your free Fertility advice at

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What You Need To Know About Sperm Antibodies

20% of all cases of infertility are due to mutual infertility, and 20% due to unexplained infertility. Combined, that's nearly half of all the cases of infertility!

If the woman is ovulating, doesn't have blocked tubes, hormonal imbalances or other reproductive system conditions, and, the man has normal sperm parameters, what's the problem?

Why can't they get pregnant?

1. Presence of sperm antibodies
2. Toxic mucus
3. Food intolerances

The first test you should consider is a post-coital test. This test will show how many sperm are still alive after intercourse in the woman's reproductive system.

If the woman has sperm antibodies in her mucus, or has overly acidic mucus due to toxin overload in the body then the sperm will not fare well and their minutes (not days) will be numbered.

Channels of elimination

You see, your body will rely on all possible channels of elimination when it comes to getting rid of toxins. They are mostly mucus and discharge producing organs such as the nose, lungs, skin, kidneys, gut, vagina and penis.

This is where detoxing comes into the picture. Each couple, regardless of whether you are infertile or not should consider detoxing before conception.

Heavy metals exposure has a detrimental impact on the immune system, especially on autoantibody production which can lead to infertility in susceptible individuals. One study found that patients with mercury allergy had more antisperm antibodies than patients without the mercury allergy. (Neuro. Endicronol. Lett. 2005)

Food intolerances and sperm antibodies

If the immune system is in overdrive (due to constant exposure to food you are intolerant to) it can adversely react to your partner's sperm and /or fertilized egg and destroy it. This can lead to creation of antibodies to your partner's sperm and can predispose you to miscarriages and still births.

In the case of food intolerances you will not necessarily know you've got one until you do a proper blood test or you simply eliminate the food from your diet and wait to see if the symptoms go away. It can take up to 3 months for the immunocomplexes (antibody and antigen sticking together) to clear from your system.

Our body is one closed circuit. Everything that enters your body: through air that you breathe, food and drinks you consume or lotions and potions you rub on your skin will affect every single cell in your body! It all ends up in your blood. Your blood carries it though kilometers of blood vessels from the biggest aorta to the tiniest capillaries barely visible to the eye. Just think about that, for a second.

And the next time you want to consume something you know is not healthy just remember the closed circuit and know that it won't just come out without leaving any damage behind.

Sperm Antibodies in the mucus

If the woman's mucus contains sperm antibodies, more than just a detox is required. Studies have shown that women can develop antisperm antibodies if sperm has come into contact with the mucosal or systemic immune system. This can happen if there are minor wounds in the vagina, rectum or the oral cavity. Sperm antibodies in cervical mucus cause the heads of the sperm to stick to the cervical mucus.

To treat sperm antibodies in the mucus you'll need to use condoms for 3-6 months while the woman's immune system is addressed with diet, nutritional supplements, herbs and other complementary medicine treatments as required.

During the 3-6 month period, because the woman didn't come into contact with the sperm, the present antibodies to sperm will be broken down and no new ones will be produced.

This is also a very beneficial time to learn about timing your most fertile days!

Then you remove the condom and have intercourse at the most fertile time to conceive. This will not allow enough time for your body to produce new antibodies. Also after having your immune system treated and retrained during those 3-6 months it is likely that your immune system would not react again.

If the woman has sperm antibodies in her blood and not just the mucus, than just relying on the condom will not be enough and a longer immune system treatment may be required.

Men can have sperm auto antibodies

Autoimmunity results from the abnormal immune response against the body's own tissue. Men can develop antibodies against their own sperm. This can cause the sperm to agglutinate (or stick together) or cause the tails of the sperm to stick to the cervical mucus.

Autoimmunity of any kind often derives from childhood or even earlier development in the womb. If the mother was consuming foods she was intolerant to during her pregnancy, then her antibodies influenced what type of immune system dominance the child will have.

The immune system is fascinating in that it needs to learn the ropes. Unlike the other cells in the body it intimately interacts with our environment everyday.

If you have an inflamed gut, due to a bacterial or parasitic infection or as a result of food intolerance, large molecules from food will enter the sterile environment behind the gut, through the gaps between the cells. Once they are in the area of the body they are not meant to be in, the immune system will pick them up and treat them as invading pathogens. Now that the immune system has been exposed to this substance once, it'll produce a whole army of antibodies against this food. So now each time you eat this food, they'll attack. Overtime this will exhaust the immune reserve, making it less robust when it comes to bacteria, viruses and cancers and more hypersensitive to its own tissue and innocuous substances such as pollen and food.

This starts a viscous cycle if the food intolerance is not picked up upon and treated naturopathically.

If as a child you were not breastfed, than you may have missed out on your mother's antibodies and this may have predisposed you to an immune system that is overly reactive. If, on the other hand you mother has many allergies, then you can consider yourself lucky for not having been breastfed.

Also if you grew up in a super clean and sterile environment, your immune system didn't have any bugs to learn from. Some childhood diseases and contact with dirt as a kid are very beneficial for the immune system. They teach your immune system what sort of antibodies it should be producing, so it's less likely to attack food molecules or your own tissue.

The good news is that the immune system can be retrained in three easy steps;

1. Remove the triggers for 3-6 months or longer, depending on the severity.
2. Heal the inflammation and the mucosal surfaces, with the right nutrients and diet.
3. Treat the immune system with adequate protein intake, a clean and pure diet, nutritional supplements, probiotics and herbs. Key nutrients to consider are vitamin C, zinc, selenium, vitamins E and A (or betacarotene), omega 3, and herbs such as Panax ginseng, Echinacea, Hemidesmus, Astragalus, Withania and Saw palmetto.

In this article we looked the causes of sperm antibodies and touched on unexplained infertility as it relates to food intolerances. There are plenty of other environmental influences that can contribute to unexplained infertility. Natural fertility treatment for sperm antibodies consists of abstinence from the triggers, dietary and lifestyle adjustments and nutritional and herbal support for the immune system. Once you truly grasp the interconnectedness of all body systems you'll understand why and how what you eat, drink and breathe can make all the difference to your fertility.
Information about the Author:
Leading Fertility Naturopath Iva Keene publishes the Ultimate Fertility ezine with tips to get you pregnant ASAP. Get your free Fertility advice at

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Facts Behind IVF Treatment

The number of people undergoing In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) looks set to increase as greater numbers of women turn to specialist fertility treatment in the hope of becoming a parent.

The most recent figures from the Human Fertilisation Embryology Authority (HFEA) show the number of patients undergoing IVF rose to nearly 35,000 in 2006, up 5 per cent on the previous year. This number is likely to rise even further following the decision by some healthcare trusts to offer up to three IVF treatment cycles on the NHS.

So what does IVF involve?
IVF involves removing eggs from a woman and fertilising them with her partner's sperm in a laboratory. Once embryos have formed, they are placed inside the womb in the hope of achieving a pregnancy. IVF is recommended for women with a number of conditions including unexplained fertility problems and blocked fallopian tubes.

In order to produce more eggs than a normal cycle and improve the chances of success the ovaries are stimulated using fertility drugs. This usually involves injections for around 12 days. During the stimulation phase, a series of ultrasound scans are used to monitor the number and growth of ovarian follicles and the development of the lining of the uterus. The eggs are then collected using a special needle guided by ultrasound. The procedure is usually carried out under heavy sedation but sometimes a general anaesthetic is required.

The next step of the IVF process moves into the laboratory where the sperm sample is assessed. Once the embryologist has selected the most active sperm, they are then placed with the eggs and put in an incubator overnight.

The fertilised eggs (embryos) are then cultured for between two and five days in the laboratory before being transferred into the uterus. The best one or two embryos are selected for transfer either two to three days after egg collection or cultured further until day 5 (Blastocyst transfer). Any other good quality embryos may be stored by freezing (cryopreservation) for possible transfer at a later date.

Sometimes, where the male partner has a low sperm count and/or poor motility or couples have experienced previous failure of fertilisation during IVF a procedure called Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is used. According to the HFEA, ICSI is used in nearly half of all IVF treatment cycles.

IVF success rates
The prospect of IVF can seem daunting for those desperate to conceive. However, according to the latest available statistics from the HFEA, nearly 35,000 women in the UK underwent IVF in 2006 with over 44,000 treatments taking place. From these treatments over 12,500 babies were born.

On average, one in four pregnancies from IVF results in a multiple birth; this can lead to health complications for both the mother and her children. As such, there is a movement towards clinics electing to implant only one embryo in order to reduce the multiple birth rate while maintaining the chances of conception.

Other treatments to combat infertility
One in seven couples trying for a baby experience delays in conceiving, often without finding out a reason why they cannot reproduce. However, there are a number of known causes of infertility (eg poor sperm count, polycystic ovaries) - and therefore a number of different treatments are on offer at IVF clinics to help combat the problem.

Other procedures include intrauterine insemination (IUI), egg donation, assisted hatching, embryo freezing and frozen embryo transfer to name a few. Since Louise Brown, the first IVF baby, was born in 1978 more than three million babies have been born from this procedure and other assisted reproductive treatments.

Thirty years on, advances in techniques, combined with additional funding from the NHS, has ensured the numbers conceiving rises year on year, with an increasingly successful outcome for many.
Information about the Author:
Dom Donaldson is an IVF expert. Find out more about IVF at

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Best Human Embryos Selected For IVF Using Mathematical Model For infertility Treatment

From the images taken with the microscope, the scientists were able to measure and classify the zygotes and embryos, as well as the blastomeres (undifferentiated animal cells produced by the division of the zygote), their degree of fragmentation and the thickness of the ‘zona pellucida', a membrane that surrounds them. (Credit: Morales et al / SINC)

A team of researchers from the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) have developed a mathematical classification which makes it possible to select human embryos for use in assisted reproduction treatments. Scientists have used the morphology of embryos to select the best candidates for implantation in the woman's uterus.

"Up to now experts working in in vitro fertilisation have selected the best embryos subjectively, based on their training and experience", so SINC was informed by Dinora A. Morales, from the Intelligent Systems Group at the UPV-EHU. However, in two studies carried out by researchers from this team the use of mathematical classifiers to help embryologists with that task was looked at.

In the first work, published in the journal Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, the scientists presented an "intelligent system" of support for infertility treatments. For this they used information from 63 cases from the infertility programme at Clínica del Pilar in San Sebastian (Guipúzcoa), and analysed the evolution of trios of embryos (Spanish law allows for the transfer of up to three embryos to a woman's uterus).

To prepare the study, the researchers focused on the case history of infertile couples (age, type of infertility, quality of sperm, etc), as well as the morphological characteristics of the zygote (the resulting cell from the fusion of two gametes) and the embryos.

From the images taken with the microscope, the scientists were able to measure and classify the zygotes and embryos, as well as the blastomeres (undifferentiated animal cells produced by the division of the zygote), their degree of fragmentation and the thickness of the ‘zona pellucida', a membrane that surrounds them.

All this information was processed with Bayesian classifiers, so-called due to the application of Bayes rules, which make it possible to calculate the probability of implanting an embryo in a woman's uterus if transferred there. "What's more, these types of mathematical classifiers provide experts with evidence on what embryo characteristics enable the identification of the most ideal embryos, through the selection of variables", explained Morales.

The results of this study indicate that the size and degree of fragmentation of the blastomeres, thickness of the zona pellucida and the fact that they might have various nuclei are some of the aspects embryologists should concentrate on.

The Basque research group also carried out a second study, published in the journal Computers in Biology and Medicine to check the effectiveness of different Bayesian classifiers as a tool for choosing the best embryo.

The researchers analysed 249 photographs of embryos from the database at the Genesis Centre in Rome (Italy) and discovered that the "wrapper-TAN" classifier had a success rate of over 90%.

The team's next lines of work will concentrate on perfecting these techniques for selecting the best embryo in infertility treatments and in predicting multiple pregnancies, due to the risk they pose to women. The scientists will try to collaborate with other hospitals in this task.

Rotunda-The Center for Human Reproduction ,best Surrogacy Center in India provide a high-quality low-cost alternative to patients who in their home country cannot afford the surrogacy procedure because of the high cost or long waiting lines.

For more information related to fertility infertility treatments, male infertility, female infertility, infertility clinic, ivf clinic, ivf treatment,ivf center,surrogacy options in India,surrogate mother in India and infertility specialists please contact

Rotunda-The Center for Human Reproduction
Telephone :+91 22 2655 2000
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Friday, November 6, 2009

Implantation of a fertilized human EGG IN AN IVF PROCEDURE For Infertility Couple

As hopeful moms-to-be learn, there are important considerations to the successful implantation of a fertilized human egg. A calm environment, regular hormonal injections and the timing of the implantation can all affect the outcome of an in-vitro procedure.

Now a Tel Aviv University researcher is suggesting that prospective parents and their obstetricians also look at the role that gravity and other biomechanical processes play in its success. New studies by Prof. David Elad from TAU's Department of Biomedical Engineering could help desperate couples give birth to healthy single babies - and avoid the risk of multiple births at the same time.

"I am specifically studying how the uterus contracts before the embryo implants itself onto the uterine wall," he says. These contractions play a vital role in keeping the embryo in the uterus, and knowledge of its mechanics can indicate the optimal time and site for implantation. Physical positioning of the woman and the shape and size of her uterus also affect the results of IVF implantation, Prof. Elad says.

His recent publication in the journal Fertility and Sterility suggests methods to enhance the success rate of fertility treatments.

The Gravity of the Situation

"We are all subject to the Earth's gravity forces, and all biological process must also obey Newton's basic laws of physics," says Prof. Elad, who has been studying the biomechanical engineering of pregnancy for over 15 years. "Uterine contractions push the fluid inside a woman's womb in a peristaltic fashion, which helps sperm reach the ovum in the fallopian tube. And after fertilization, this same peristalsis propels the embryo to its implantation site in the uterine wall. It's a fluid mechanics issue.

"By thinking about these biomechanical processes during IVF treatments, we can help physicians, and prospective parents, see better outcomes," he says. The chance of finding an optimal uterine position could be improved through Prof. Elad's recommendations.

"There is no such thing as a standard uterus," Prof. Elad adds. "Our research offers best practices for women of all shapes and sizes."

Avoiding Multiple Birth Dangers

To increase the chances of a successful IVF implantation, women can opt for three or more viable embryos to be implanted in the womb during one cycle. Many, emotionally and financially exhausted, take this chance even if it means an embryo will need to be sacrificed to ensure the health of another. Prof. Elad's research may spare women from having to make this difficult ethical decision.

"Besides recent reports that IVF babies are slightly more prone to genetic diseases, there is a general notion that when there is more than one embryo in the uterus, all the fetuses are subjected to risks of mild and sometimes severe medical problems in the future," says Prof. Elad. "Parents naturally want to avoid this circumstance."

New Tools for IVF Specialists

Through advanced bioengineering research, Prof. Elad, who is currently a visiting professor at New York's Columbia University, is continuing to provide "stimulating evidence" to the IVF medical community. He is working on a computer simulation program on embryo transport in the uterus, in both natural conception or after IVF procedures, to model how and when artificially inseminated embryos should be implanted in the uterus.

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For more information related to fertility infertility treatments, male infertility, female infertility, infertility clinic, ivf clinic, ivf treatment,ivf center,surrogacy options in India,surrogate mother in India and infertility specialists please contact

Rotunda-The Center for Human Reproduction
Telephone :+91 22 2655 2000
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Pregnancy Articles:

Monday, November 2, 2009

How to recognize common or unexpected early pregnancy signs

Recognizing and handling early pregnancy symptoms can become a daunting task unless you provide yourself with detailed information about this situation. Pregnancy can be signaled by common or unexpected signs and you will have to learn how to deal with them in order to stay healthy and welcome your new born baby. Pregnancy is not to be regarded as a source of constant worries and fears. On the contrary, you should relax and learn how to cope with its pleasant or unpleasant signs. But even the most common early pregnancy signs are likely to be related to other causes and you will have to pay a visit to your doctor in order to find out the truth. For instance, you are very likely to experience severe fatigue because the body will be overwhelmed by the constant hormonal changes.

You will have to adapt to these situations in order to stay healthy. The breast tenderness is among the most common early pregnancy symptoms because you will begin to get ready for the future motherhood. Your breasts will change their texture. They will become softer because they are preparing for the future milk production. Even so, the breast tenderness can also be related to other causes such as a sign of impending and severe menstruation. Therefore, you will have to check the real cause of your breast tenderness in order to find out whether you are pregnant or not. Vomiting and nausea are also among the most common early pregnancy signs and they should be taken seriously in order for you to find out their real cause and their effects. These symptoms will be experienced by every woman who is in her first trimester.

They are likely to be quite persistent and you may also experience strange and strong food cravings. You will have to deal with these cravings because they are likely to be quite demanding. For instance, a food that you hate eating before getting pregnant may appear as an irresistible dish right now. Regardless of the nature of these symptoms, you must pay a visit to the doctor in order to find out their real cause. Actually, it is imperative for you to pay a visit to your doctor as soon as you notice something unusual or suspect. He is the one who can provide you with the necessary help and prescriptions in order to keep your unborn baby healthy. Early prenatal care is of paramount importance and you should become aware of the fact that the early pregnancy symptoms are here in order to help you to monitor your baby’s health.

Still, these symptoms may vary from one woman to another and you will have to take proper care of your pregnancy by paying attention to these extremely useful signals. These signals will tell you the truth about your unborn baby’s condition and you can rely on them in order to find out whether she is in danger or not. Your body is designed in order to signal everything that does not go according to the natural plan. So, you need to learn how to listen to your body and pay attention to what it is saying to you. You have to trust your instincts. Your intuition is your best friend when it comes to interpreting the early pregnancy signs. The rest is up to your medical care provider because he is the one who can assist you and provide you with the natal care that you need.

But you can also experience some unusual early pregnancy signs that you must report to your doctor in order to get the necessary help. For instance, you can experience the so-called spider veins. You will have to deal with veins appearing on your upper arms and chest and you have to be prepared for them and consult the doctor in order to learn more. The spider veins are the direct result of the increased blood pressure and you should not worry about this symptom. You can also have to deal with the nose congestion because this symptom may be found among the unusual signs that can affect a pregnant woman. You may also experience metallic taste in your mouth, production of excessive saliva, severe cramping in your legs, flatulence, facial hair and increased pigmentation of your skin.
Information about the Author:
The early pregnancy signs may be common or unexpected. Therefore, you will have to prepare yourself for a wide range of early pregnancy symptoms

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Find Out What You Can Do to Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

Getting pregnant seems to be very simple for some while some may be trying very hard to be one. If you are one of those who want the natural ways to get pregnant, do not lose hope. There are still options for you to have a baby.

The natural ways to get pregnant require an understanding on how your reproductive cycle works and timing is important. It is also important to note that getting pregnant naturally may be a cheaper option to conceive but it also needs time and attention to achieve success with it.

Understanding when you are most fertile is essential in achieving success in getting pregnant. Each month, an egg is released from the ovary to prepare for a possible fertilization, and it is this time that conception can occur when a man's sperm swims into the uterus to meet with the egg - and this is the period that you should be paying attention to.

Proper Timing of Sexual Intercourse

If you have regular menstrual cycle of 28 days, the release of the egg in the ovaries or the ovulation usually starts 14 days after the start of your last period. This is your most fertile period and having sex at this period will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Timing may however be difficult if you have an irregular menstrual cycle.

Getting your basal body temperature can also be a way to determine if you are ovulating, as there will be a slight increase in your body temperature when ovulation begins. You can also detect ovulation by the nature of the cervical mucus. When there is increases cervical mucus and it becomes clear and has similar consistency with an egg white, it could be a sign of your fertile period. A more convenient ovulation predictor kit can also be purchased to conveniently determine your fertile days.

Maintaining Proper Weight

Your weight can also be a factor in your likelihood to get pregnant easily. If you are overweight, it may cause problems with your ovulation and thus resulting to infertility. If you are also underweight, it can also lead to skips in your menstrual period which is also a problem in your being fertile. Maintaining a proper body weight is indeed important if you want to conceive naturally.

Having a Healthy Lifestyle

Aside from maintaining the proper body weight, one of the natural ways to get pregnant is to improve your fertility by having proper nutrition. A healthy diet, good exercise and managing stress are essential in achieving a healthy body that maximizes your fertility. Avoid caffeine as it can also affect your fertility. Smoking and alcohol may not only decrease your chances of conceiving but can also cause birth defects if you eventually become pregnant.

Choosing a sex position

For some couples, sex position matters when you are trying to conceive. Helping the sperm reach the cervix could also be a factor in getting pregnant. Sex positions with the woman on top may be giving the sperm a hard time to travel to the cervix, as well as sitting or standing positions. Elevating your hips with a pillow underneath also helped some couples.

The natural ways to get pregnant may seem so simple but sometimes there are infertility issues that we may never have known. If you have been trying to get pregnant for about a year you can also opt to consult your Ob-gyne for other possible factors that hinder your pregnancy.
Information about the Author:
Carolyn Anderson loves to share tips in addressing women's issues. To learn more about getting pregnant naturally, check out this Also check out to find ways to be a healthy and sexy mom.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Increasing Your Chances to Get Pregnant

Your fertility is a major factor to watch out for if you want to get pregnant easily. Your health, the proper timing of sexual intercourse, your body weight, even the sex position matter if you are considering ways on how to get pregnant naturally.

Of course, it takes two to tango so it would also help to check the fertility of your partner to maximize your chances of conceiving. If you want to maximize your chances with your own efforts, the natural means is always a good and inexpensive option. Here are some ways that may help you on how to get pregnant naturally.

* Monitor your monthly period. This way you can determine your most fertile days and the best time to engage in sexual intercourse.

* Monitor your ovulation through basal body temperature or cervical mucus. You can do it manually or you can find ovulation kits to help you determine if you are ovulating.

* Have regular sex. Regular sex for sure can increase your chances of hitting a fertile period. One of the best ways on how to get pregnant naturally is to have sex daily during the fertile period. That for sure will give you good chances in conceiving.

* Maintain a good body weight. Obesity could be a factor of non-fertility thus you should shed those extra pounds to allow yourself to conceive.

* Exercise. Exercising is not only good for a body who wants to conceive but also for your total health. Make sure though that you are not doing it excessively as excessive exercise can also cause you to skip your menstrual period, thus absence of ovulation.

* Have a healthy diet. Aside from getting benefits for your overall health, there are also food that may increase fertility. Oysters are the best example, as they are rich in zinc that enhances your fertility as well as you partner's.

* Avoid alcohol. Alcohol has adverse effects on your fertility and can also affect sperm quality and quantity in men. So avoid it.

* Avoid caffeine, chocolates and soda. Studies have shown that increased caffeine in the body can reduce your chances of getting pregnant as the stimulant may affect your ovulation, start getting rid of coffee as soon as possible.

* Quit smoking. Not only will this affect your fertility, it can also cause birth defects on your baby.

* Reduce stress. Stress and even being desperate to conceive can affect fertility too. Some studies have shown that pregnancy is likely to occur when couples are relaxed and stress-free. Stay happy and avoid negative emotions.

* Be safe from sexually transmitted diseases. Sometimes the culprit of not being able to conceive are health issues like sexually transmitted diseases. Practice good hygiene and be loyal to your partner to prevent STDs.

* Take your vitamins. There are certain vitamins that are essential if you want to conceive a baby. Folic acid, iron and calcium are among these. You can always ask your OB-gyne for guidance on what you need to supplement your current health.

* Opt for a better sex position. If you can help the fertilization process by helping the sperm get to its destination, you can do it by choosing a better sex position. Avoid sitting and standing positions as well as positions with you on top.

* Watch your medications. Some medication can affect your chances to conceive, so if you are trying to get pregnant, always consult your doctor for prescription and advice.

These are just some of the ways on how to get pregnant naturally. It will of course need time, effort and patience but all these will pay off in the end if you will finally have that cute little baby in your arms.
Information about the Author:
Carolyn Anderson is a book reviewer and a wide reader. If you want to have a complete guide on getting pregnant naturally, she recommends She also recommends, where you can find a way to get pregnant naturally.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

After Birth, Should You Return to Work?

Pregnancy: After Birth: Should You Return to Work?

Are you a woman who has just recently had a baby? If you are, congratulations! The birth of a new child is a fun, adventurous, and memorable experience. Although work may be the farthest thing from your mind right now, it is something that you may want to take the time to think about. After having a baby, a large number of women wonder whether or not they should return to work.

When it comes to determining if you should return to work after having a baby, there are a number of important factors that you will want to take into consideration. For many women, money is an issue. How is your current financial situation? Before your baby was born, were you relying on one or two incomes? This simple question may play an important role in your decision. Many women are able to stay at home with their children if they have another source of income, like a regular paycheck from their spouse or live in partner.

Although money may be an issue for you, when determining if you should return to work after the birth of your child, it is also important to examine the money that you may save. As a parent, you likely wouldn’t send your child to just any daycare center. Unfortunately, daycare providers that come highly rated and recommend often have high fees. It is not uncommon for parents to pay one hundred dollars or more a week in childcare expenses, just for one child. It is also important to examine the reduction in work purchased snacks and drinks, as well as gasoline to and from work. After this comparison, you may find that staying home with your child, after their birth, is actually a cost effective solution.

When determining if you should return to work after the birth of your child, you are also urged to examine the benefits of staying home. From birth to the toddler age, children are at an important stage in their life. Many experts have stated that close contact between parents and their children can help improve their relationship, as well as improve their developmental skills, as someone is working with them at all times. These are just important factors to take into consideration.

Of course, it is also important to remember that you don’t just have to be a stay-at-home mom. There are a large number of mothers in the United States who are considered work-at-home moms. With a computer and internet access, there are a number of work-at-home jobs or home-based business opportunities that can allow you to stay at home with your new baby, as well as bring in a source of income. If you have yet to return to work, working from home is something that you may at least want to take into consideration.

The above mentioned points are mostly centered on the benefits of staying at home with your child, after their birth. While there are a number of benefits to doing so, you should also know that there are a number of benefits to sending your child to daycare, as long as that daycare comes highly rated and recommended. Perhaps, the greatest benefit is the social interaction that your child will likely receive by being around other children. It is also important to mention your own needs. Working from home or staying at home with kids is a large task, one that can occasionally be stressful. That is why many mothers make the decision to return to the workforce after having a child, for their own sanity.

As you likely already know, the decision as to whether or not you want to return to work after the birth of your baby is your decision to make, but the above mentioned points are ones that you may want to keep in mind. Regardless of whether you decide to return to work or stay at home with your child, your and your child will likely have a long and healthy relationship with each other for years and years to come.
Information about the Author:
This article is brought to you by SweatLots: See also, How to Get Rid of Pregnancy Fat:

Monday, October 12, 2009

Not Getting Pregnant Causes and Cures

Every woman in this world wants to get pregnant and become a mother in her life. It is said that a woman is not a complete woman until she gives birth to a baby.

But, unfortunately there are millions of women who cannot get pregnant because of various reasons and thus they cannot become mother in their life. There may be many reasons that why a woman does not get pregnant?

Five Causes of Not Getting Pregnant -

1. Excess Drug or Alcohol Use - You may have heard before that illicit drug use works as a negative factor if you want to get pregnant. The drugs like ‘Marijuana’ suppress the production of hormones that can decrease sperm count and cause erectile dysfunction in men and in women, it causes irregularity in periods. And though, consumption of Alcohol may not affect fertility, but if one wants to increase the pregnancy chances sooner, it is advised to avoid alcohol.

2. Smoking - If anyone of the couple smoke cigarettes, it hinders the pregnancy chances greatly. It has been found that women who smoke are 60% more prone to infertility compared to other women. Medical researches show that smoking causes egg depletion and sperm damage and results in infertility. And not only for pregnancy, but Smoking is also bad for your health. Smoking puts an unborn baby at a high risk for many complications.

3. Caffeine Intake - The effects of Caffeine on fertility is still controversial as some say it harmful even if taken in small amount while others believe it is ok with moderate use. Those who are in position say, the consumption of Caffeine reduces fertility and it is very risky during pregnancy as it increased the chances of miscarriage. But, even if it is unclear yet, why take a chance when you want to conceive quickly? Remember that Caffeine is in coffee, chocolates, tea and most sodas.

4. Poor Diet - It really matter what you eat or don't as it is crucial to your overall health and reproduction ability. Getting pregnant is a process that needs all body organs and glands to function well for proper hormonal balance. When women do not get the required amount of fruits and vegetables during the pregnancy, it really affects them.

5. Poor Intercourse Timing - It is obvious that to conceive, you need to have intercourse. T has been found that most of the couples with no child have intercourse at wrong times. When a couple has intercourse whenever they want, the pregnancy chances are not very good, especially for the old age couples in 30's or 40's, timing is crucial to getting pregnant faster. The intercourse should be done near the ovulation time.

Five Cures For Not Getting Pregnant -

1. Plan the Intercourse - If you want to get pregnant, time your intercourse on days 9, 11, 12, 14, and 16 of your cycle. It should be near your ovulation period. And if you do not have a 28 day cycle, it won't work for you. Then, you can go for sex every other day, beginning from the 10th day of the cycle. You can also use the fertility chart calendar, it really helps.

2. Use Ovulation Prediction Kits - Buy the ovulation prediction kits. Before one or two days when you ovulate, the body creates luteinizing hormone surge. Now, these kits detect this surge and you need to follow the instructions of the kit on how to read the test strips, what the right time is to test and also what day of the cycle is right to begin testing. These kits are not able to confirm ovulation, but can predict ovulation prior to it occurs. When you use these kits with the fertility charts, it works perfect.

3. The Intercourse Position - The ideal position for intercourse is ‘the woman on the bottom’, if you want to conceive. It is advised that a woman lies on the back after intercourse for fifteen minutes.

4. Infertility Acupuncture - This is the best natural remedy if you are not getting pregnant since a long. It is far better than all the medical treatments with no possible side effects.

5. Supplements - Start taking the best supplements of nutritional vitamins and minerals. If you take a high-quality nutritional supplement fill in the dietary gaps in the body. Our body needs and uses nutrients like amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes, neuronutrients, and others, so that all the organs can function properly.

If you are facing trouble conceiving, then you may also try the new pregnancy guide ‘Pregnancy Miracle’ written by Dr. Lisa Olson. She had no child till 14 years. Then she discovered some natural tips and ways to get pregnant easily with no drugs involved. She got pregnant at 43. This guide works for all women with no regard to their cause that why they did not get pregnant or their age.
Information about the Author:
Not getting pregnant? then get more information about Fastest way to get pregnant naturally. Baby is a dream of all females. We will help you in that, to get pregnant safely.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Prevention And Treatment During Pregnancy

More than half of all pregnant women will develop stretch marks during their pregnancy. Otherwise known as striae gravidarum, stretch marks look like streaks on the surface of the skin, and may be vary in color depending on your natural skin color. Most lighter skinned women develop pinkish stretch marks, whereas darker skinned women tend to have stretch marks that are lighter than the surrounding skin.

Most women develop stretch marks on their abdomen during pregnancy, however it is also common to get stretch marks on the buttocks, hips, breasts and thighs. In some cases up to 90 percent of women have stretch marks on some part of their body as a result of pregnancy.

What Causes Stretch Marks?
Stretch marks form when your skin is stretched rapidly as happens during pregnancy. Most women develop stretch marks during the later trimesters of pregnancy though some women start to develop them as soon as their bellies start growing.

Stretch marks are actually small tears that form in the tissue that supports the skin and helps it stretch. Stretch marks represent the tearing or separation of collagen from the skin when tearing occurs. Stretch marks are not harmful or painful and usually fade over time.

Who Gets Stretch Marks
Many women believe that using lotions and creams help prevent stretch marks. Realistically speaking however, the number of stretch marks you get depends on how elastic your skin is. The elasticity of your skin usually relates to your genetic make up. The best thing you can do is find out if your mother got bad stretch marks during pregnancy. If she did, you are probably more prone to stretch marks than other women.

Keep in mind the more weight you gain during pregnancy the more likely you are to have stretch marks. Normally the skin is elastic and capable of stretching quite a bit, however for some women the changes that occur during pregnancy are very drastic. These rapid fluctuations of weight and skin stretching can result in stretch marks.

Women with multiples are more likely to get stretch marks because their bellies usually grow much larger than women with single pregnancies. Other women likely to develop stretch marks include women who gain a lot of weight quickly during their pregnancy and women who carry big babies.

Here are some other factors that may contribute to your susceptibility to stretch marks:

* If you developed stretch marks before (like on your breasts during puberty) you are more likely to get stretch marks while pregnant.

* If you had stretch marks during another pregnancy you will usually get them again.

* If you are overweight or gain more weight than recommended you are more likely to get stretch marks.

* The better hydrated and well nourished you are the less likely you are to develop serious stretch marks.

Stretch Mark Prevention
Most women believe that they can prevent stretch marks by using creams and lotions. There are many formulations on the market today that claim to help prevent stretch marks. Some of these may help moisturize your skin and reduce itching. They may help reduce some stretch marks however there are no scientific studies that support this.

You probably know at least one parent however that swears by cocoa butter or some other formulation to prevent stretch marks. If nothing else rubbing these creams into your belly provides your unborn baby with a light and comforting massage. They may also give you peace of mind knowing you did everything possible to prevent stretch marks.

The best thing you can do to minimize stretch marks aside from using any creams or moisturizers you select is gaining the recommended amount of weight during pregnancy. Doctors recommend most women gain between 25 and 34 pounds. Gaining much more than this can cause you to develop more stretch marks.

Removing Stretch Marks
Most women worry about stretch marks after they have their baby. Fortunately most stretch marks do fade with time. Usually after 12 moths postpartum most stretch marks are light and less noticeable. Their texture may remain different from the surrounding skin however. Many women notice their stretch marks fading into whitish lines that are minimally noticeable.

Some women have very severe stretch marks that impact their self esteem after pregnancy. There are many treatments available for women that want to improve the appearance of their stretch marks.

If your stretch marks are particularly bad, you may consult with your doctor or a dermatologist. Some topical treatments such as tretinoin cream can help reduce stretch marks. These creams must be used after pregnancy however, because they can cause defects in your unborn baby.

Most of the topical treatments available should be used shortly after delivery, before they start to fade. The more time that passes between the delivery and use of cream, the less likely they are to be effective.

If you are breastfeeding it is important you consult with your doctor before using any stretch mark treatments. Some treatments may impact your milk supply or pass through the breast milk to your baby.

Most of the creams available to reduce stretch marks do not help relieve the sagging skin that also accompanies childbirth. There are some newer treatments including laser treatments however that may improve the skins elasticity and help reduce stretch marks. Some women also consider plastic surgery after they are done having children. A tummy tuck can help hide some stretch marks and reduce sagging skin.

Most women are able to joyfully overlook stretch marks when they consider the miracle of life they bring into the world. For the most the small annoyance even the worst stretch marks bring are well worth the joys of bringing a newborn baby into the world. Do what you can during pregnancy to maintain an appropriate weight and try not to worry too much about stretch marks. Many women wear them with pride, a ‘war wound’ or “badge of honor” related to their pregnancy. Why not wear them with pride?
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Thursday, October 8, 2009

8 Things To Consider When You Want Another Baby

When You Want Another Baby 8 Things To Consider

By: Michelle Brunetti

Even if you thought you would never step foot in the delivery room again (or, prop them up, actually), the desire to bear the baby bulge is different for everyone. The urge to have children can come from wanting to give your child a sibling, the love of being parents, or even the need to "carry on your legacy."

But, what if you can't, or shouldn't, yet that longing for another baby just won't go away? Whether you have one child and are wishing for another or you have five kids and just can't stop thinking about the sixth, sometimes the need to breed just won't take its leave.

Before you start to think that you're all alone on the no-more-babies front, check out a few of the reasons some moms are choosing not to continue procreating:

* Age - For some moms, the risk is too great. In women, fertility is typically affected at about 35 years old. The older the mother is, the higher the chance for complications during pregnancy and for their growing fetus.
* Finances - Considering diapers, formula, clothing, and daycare, sometimes you really just can't afford another mouth to feed. Some parents look at how another baby will affect their existing economic standing, and cannot afford a bigger house or car to accommodate a new member in the family.
* Fertility - According to the Mayo Clinic, half a million men have vasectomies each year. And, although this method of birth control is the choice of 9.2 percent of men in the U.S., 27 percent of women choose to "tie their tubes." Reversals are available for each, but they can be costly and are not guaranteed.
* Family dynamics - Adding another member to your brood doesn't just affect the parents. A few have chosen to take their other children into consideration and elect not to expand their household. Jealousy and time are common factors.
* Age gap - Some people feel that they've missed the chance to have another child, simply because they do not want their kids to be too far apart in age. For some, the feeling that they'll "never be done" raising their kids is enough to pull the plug on the idea of having more kiddies.
* Difference in opinion - Some parents are just on different pages: she wants one and he doesn't, or vice versa. It is important to consider the feelings of everyone involved. If both parents are not in agreement, there may be deeper reasons the opposing spouse has that may be the deal-breaker on this topic.
* Goals -Some families have goals of a new job, a new house, a family vacation, or more, that having another child will not allow them to reach.
* Happy with the life they have - For some, they consider their life perfect the way it is. The child(ren) they have are getting older, their household is in sync, and they just don't want to rock the boat.

All the valid "reasons" why you shouldn't continue to have more children aside, according to Elizabeth Pantley, parenting educator and author of parenting books such as Gentle Toddler Care , "If you've thoroughly examined all the issues involved in adding another baby to your family, and your heart and soul continue to have an empty spot that craves another child (or conversely, the doubt and fear are overwhelming), then perhaps you already have your answer."

What do you think is the "right" size family?

Information about the Author:
Michelle Brunetti from, the most respected and fastest growing baby contest with 1.7 million members. baby modeling contest is judged by Entertainment Industry professionals and awards over $100,000 in prizes annually. Do You Have a CuteKid?

Common Pregnancy Problems

All pregnant women will agree that the first few months of pregnancy are unpleasant, to say the least. You may experience morning sickness, swelling in the legs and ankles, abdominal pains and cramps, heartburn, constipation, fatigue, bladder problems, and a myriad of problems in between. The goal of this article is to help you deal with these issues and feel better.

Morning Sickness
Morning sickness is probably the most common of the pregnancy symptoms. Don't be fooled; morning sickness nausea will come at any time of the day, not just in the morning. To help prevent nausea in the morning, wake up slowly. Try eating some plain crackers or dry cereal before getting out of bed. Avoid warm places; heat can increase nauseas feelings. Keep fresh air flowing by opening windows, or turning on exhaust fans. Cooking things in the microwave will emit fewer odors than cooking in the oven or stovetop. Eat something salty before meals, avoid greasy or spicy foods, and try not to drink fluids with your meals. Spread your meals out throughout the day, into about 6 smaller meals. Try taking your prenatals later in the day, and ask your doctor about vitamin B6 and ginger supplements. Sipping on fizzy water with lemon in it, or non-caffeinated teas like peppermint and ginger can help calm nausea.

Abdominal Pain or Cramps
There are many changes going on in your body. A lot of stress is being put on your abdominal muscles, which can cause sharp pains and cramps. To relieve these pains, try using a warm heating pad. To prevent these pains, try strengthening your abdominal muscles. Talk to your doctor to find out which kinds of exercises are best for you.

Throughout your pregnancy, you may experience some swelling. Wearing support hose can help to control your weight gain in your legs and ankles. Avoid standing for long periods of time. Wear well-fitting shoes, or buy inserts designed especially for pregnant women. Avoid diuretics, as these will lead to increased swelling. Stay off your feet as much as possible, and elevate your legs when sitting. Lying down is even better than sitting.

To combat constipation, you should exercise regularly, drink plenty of water, and eat lots of fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables, and whole grain cereals and breads.

Fatigue can come from sleepless nights due to aches and pains or vivid dreams, or simply from too much stress. The most effective method for dealing with fatigue is to get plenty of rest. Take several naps during the day. Eat a well balanced diet, including about an extra 300 calories per day. Iron deficiency is a leading cause of fatigue, so be sure to get enough. Although it may seem counter-productive, fatigue can often be relieved by exercising. Exercise will be refreshing and will leave you feeling energized.

Many of the remedies associated with nausea will also help you deal with heartburn. In addition, chew fennel or papaya enzymes, and avoid wearing tight clothing.

Bladder Problems
Bladder problems can be among the most bothersome of pregnancy related issues. First and foremost, drink plenty of water. Avoid junk food, refined starches, coffee, sugar, tea, and foods high in acidic content. Avoid using soap on your genitals. Be sure to empty your bladder and wash with water after intercourse. Wipe from front to back after using the bathroom. Try to include cabbage, leeks, and garlic in your diet, drink 3 glasses of cranberry juice every day, and take a vitamin C supplement.

Some women get more problems than others, but they generally get a little easier during the second trimester. In general, just make sure to get plenty of rest, drink plenty of water, get some exercise regularly, eat a well balanced diet, and try to keep an optimistic mindset.
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Know Everything About Infertility Treatment

Your infertility treatment plan will depend on the cause or causes behind your infertility. Infertility treatment also depends on whether the problem is from the woman’s side, the man’s side, both sides, or remains unexplained.

The good news is that 85% to 90% of couples dealing with infertility are treated with low-tech treatments, like medication or surgery, with less than 3% being treated by Assisted Reproductive Technologies, like IVF.

Of those treated for infertility, two-thirds will go onto have a baby.

Fertility Drugs

A common cause of infertility in women, ovulation disorders account for about 25% of female factor infertility cases. The first line of treatment for most women with ovulation problems is through medication. Fertility drugs can help a woman ovulate 80% of the time.

Surgical Infertility Treatment

In 35% of female infertility cases, problems are found with the fallopian tubes or problems with the lining of the pelvis and abdomen. Usually, this problem is diagnosed through a test called an HSG, or hysterosalpingogram. If the HSG shows possible blockage of the tubes, the doctor may perform laparoscopic surgery to evaluate the situation, and possibly repair the problem.

* All About Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
* Laparoscopy for Infertility Diagnosis and Treatment

Sometimes, blockage or scarring is not repairable. In this case, IVF may be recommended.

IUI - Intrauterine Insemination

Intrauterine insemination, also known as artificial insemination, is a procedure that involves placing specially washed sperm directly into the uterus. This treatment may be used in some cases of male factor infertility, if there’s a problem with the woman’s cervical mucus, or in cases of unexplained infertility. IUI may also be used for donor sperm.

* What You Need to Know About Intrauterine Insemination

The success rate of IUI is not very high -– with one study showing 4% of women achieving pregnancy with a non-fertility drug cycle, and 8% to 17% success for IUI cycles that use fertility drugs to produce more, high quality eggs. The advantage of IUI is the cost, which is much lower than IVF.
IVF and Assisted Reproductive Technologies

Assisted reproductive technologies :
(ART) refer to infertility treatments that involve the handling of eggs or embryos. This includes IVF, GIFT, and ZIFT. IVF is the most common form of ART in use today. GIFT treatments make up for less than 2% of all ART procedures, and ZIFT is used less than 1.5% of the time.

IVF (in vitro fertilization): In a typical IVF procedure, fertility drugs are used to stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs. Assuming all goes well at this stage, those eggs are then retrieved from the woman’s ovaries in an out-patient procedure. Next, the eggs are placed together with sperm, in a special cocktail of nutrients, and left alone until fertilization takes place. After fertilization, one to three embryos are placed inside the woman’s uterus.

* IVF Treatment Step By Step

GIFT: With GIFT (gamete intrafallopian transfer), the egg and sperm, or gametes, are not fertilized outside the body. Instead, they are placed together into one of the woman’s fallopian tubes.

ZIFT: With ZIFT (zygote intrafallopian transfer), the zygote is placed in one of the fallopian tubes. This is usually done via laparoscopic surgery.
What’s the success rate of ART?

For women under age 35, the live birth rate for each IVF cycle is 30% to 35%. For women ages 35 to 37, the rate is 25%. For women ages 38 to 40, the rate is 15% to 20%, and for women over age 40, the success rate is 6% to 10%.

ART is also sometimes performed with donor eggs and/or sperm. For women whose eggs are of lower quality, donor eggs may be the best option. The live birth rate for egg donation is between 40% to 45%, but less than 10% of couples choose to use donor eggs or sperm.

You can get more detailed information IVF Treatment Step by Step at:

Deccan Fertility Clinic & Keyhole Surgery Center
Tel: +91 22 2446 6633 / 2444 9992
Fax: +91 22 2444 4443
Information about the Author:
The Deccan Fertility Clinic and Keyhole Surgery Center is India's first budget IVF clinic and an ISO 9001-2000 certified center.We are Infertility clinic, Fertility centre & IVF lab,Surrogacy Clinic for Male & Female in Mumbai,India. Our fertility center provides the best affordable quality infertility,fertility treatments with advanced reproductive technologies like IVF,ART, GIFT, ZIFT, TET, ICSI,donor egg,surrogate and surrogacy services for all nationalities.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Symptoms of Infertility in Female and Male

For most couples, the first symptom of infertility is when after a year of unprotected sex, they can’t get pregnant. It is possible to have regular cycles, a healthy sex life, not have any of the risk factors, be generally healthy, and still suffer from infertility.

But for some couples, there are early warning signs or risk factors that may hint to a fertility problem, before they try for six months to a year unsuccessfully.

Here are some questions to ask yourself and your partner. If you answer yes to any of these questions, you may want to speak to your doctor before you spend a year trying on your own.

Do you have irregular cycles?

An irregular cycle can be a red flag for infertility problems. If your cycles are unusually short or long (less than 24 days, or more than 35 days), or come unpredictably, you should speak with your doctor. An irregular cycle may be a sign of possible ovulation problems.

Do you bleed extremely heavily or lightly? Do you have excessive cramps?

Bleeding for anything between 3 to 7 days can be considered normal. However, if the bleeding is very light, or extremely heavy and intense, you should see your doctor. Also, if the bleeding changes significantly from month to month, either in terms of the heaviness or coloring, or length of bleeding time, or if you suffer from severe menstrual cramps, these are also possible symptoms that may hint to a fertility problem.

Are you older than 35?

If you’re older than age 35, your chances of dealing with infertility are higher. For example, at age 30, the average woman’s chance of conceiving during any one cycle is 20%. By age 40, that chance drops to a low 5%. If you’re over age 35, you should seek help if six months of unprotected sex doesn’t lead to pregnancy.

Does your partner experience impotence or ejaculatory problems?

Male factor infertility isn’t always so obvious – usually low sperm counts or inhibited sperm mobility is determined by a sperm analysis (in other words, you won’t be able to “notice” this yourself.) But if your partner does experience sexual dysfunction, this could be an infertility red flag.

Are you either underweight or overweight?

Being excessively thin or overweight can lead to infertility problems. Also, extreme or poor dieting practices, or too much exercise, can lead to problems with fertility.

How do you know if you’re too thin, or overweight? Check your BMI to see if your weight is in the healthy range.

Have you had three successive miscarriages?

While infertility is usually associated with the inability to get pregnant, a woman who experiences recurrent miscarriages is also considered to be dealing with infertility.

Because miscarriage is not that uncommon –- happening in anywhere from 10% to 20% of pregnancies -– doctors do not usually consider a diagnosis of infertility until after the third successive miscarriage.

Do you or your partner have any chronic illnesses, like diabetes, thyroid problems, or hypertension?

Chronic illnesses, as well as their treatments, can lead to fertility problems. According to The American Fertility Association, illnesses like diabetes and hypothyroidism can cause fertility problems. Insulin, antidepressants, and thyroid hormones may lead to irregular cycles. Tagamet (cimetidine), a medication used in the treatment of peptic ulcers, and some hypertension medications can cause male factor infertility, including problems with sperm production or their ability to fertilize the egg.

If you are dealing with chronic illness, or taking a medication that impacts your fertility, talk to your doctor about possible options.
Have you or your partner been treated for cancer in the past?

Some cancer treatments can lead to fertility problems. If you or your partner has gone through cancer treatments, especially radiation therapy that was near the reproductive organs, seeking feedback from your doctor is recommended.
Do you or your partner have a history of STDs?

STDs can be the cause of infertility. Infection and inflammation from chlamydia or gonorrhea can cause blockage of the fallopian tubes, making pregnancy either impossible or putting a woman at risk for ectopic pregnancy.

Because chlamydia and gonorrhea do not usually cause noticeable symptoms in women, it’s important that you’ve been screened for these STDs.
Do you or your partner smoke or drink alcohol?

Just about everyone knows drinking and smoking while pregnant is a big no-no. But smoking and drinking while trying to get pregnant is also a problem. Smoking has been linked to problems with conception in women, and heavy drinking has been linked with female and male infertility.

You can get more detailed information IVF Treatment Step by Step at:

Deccan Fertility Clinic & Keyhole Surgery Center
Tel: +91 22 2446 6633 / 2444 9992
Fax: +91 22 2444 4443
Information about the Author:
The Deccan Fertility Clinic and Keyhole Surgery Center is India's first budget IVF clinic and an ISO 9001-2000 certified center.We are Infertility clinic, Fertility centre & IVF lab,Surrogacy Clinic for Male & Female in Mumbai,India. Our fertility center provides the best affordable quality infertility,fertility treatments with advanced reproductive technologies like IVF,ART, GIFT, ZIFT, TET, ICSI,donor egg,surrogate and surrogacy services for all nationalities.