Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Buy Toddler Clothes

One thing you can guarantee about your baby when she is born, and that is she will have no clothes on; she will be naked. There will be no shock horror amongst the people in the delivery room when the baby makes her grand entry into the human world with its social practices and stigma.

Your first decision will be whether to buy a toddler bed. The toddler bed is a piece of furniture sized just right for babies who are too big for their crib. Most use the mattress from the crib, however, so they are not actually that much bigger in size.

The Long and the Lean

It is believed that the condition of birth determines what a child will look like when it grows up. But there is no way to predict exactly the rate of their growth. However, recent studies have claimed that heavy babies tend to grow up fat and long babies tend to grow up tall. But this may be contestable.

Baby clothing manufacturers do not follow rigorous standards with regard to size. Yes, there are the basic guidelines of 0 – 3 months, 3- 6 months and so on, but compare manufacturers and you will find that interpretations of these sizes can very quite a bit.

It is important that you know of good quality brands for your childrens clothing. A shirt that is manufactured by a well-known and trusted company lasts longer and does not have stain problems. It can even appear like new after your kid wear it several times already and after many washings. When your child no longer needs the clothing, probably because your kids have grown taller and bigger, you may resell them at online children stores for lower prices.

Dress up fun. Go to Goodwill and get a bunch of fun, fancy dress up clothes (old dresses, a boa, high heels, hats, boots, jackets, dress pants, ties). Have your toddler put on a fashion show, if you want to - join your toddler. Have a tea party, play office or restaurant. Let your toddler's imagination flow. Make sure to bring out the camera.

An alternative to even having a dresser and shelves taking up space in your toddler room is to create a closet that takes the place of a bulky dresser. You can easily install a small lock on a closet door to keep a curious toddler out. Simply buy planks of wood and cut them to the depth and width of the closet.

After all, toddlers, especially during the later parts of toddlerhood, can understand what is being told to them easily. Bringing a toy might also help. If the toddler refuses to behave during toddler clothing shopping, parents should promise a reward for appropriate or good behavior. This reward can be small-like a cheap toy or a particular food item.

You should also avoid toddler clothes that are potential fire hazards. Toddler clothes such as those with loose-fitting styles or airy fabrics, or those with loose sleeves and ruffles may be prone to fire. While you can teach your toddler not to play fire and any materials that can create flame (such as matches and lighters), wearing toddler clothes such as fit clothes, clothes with narrow sleeves, and or those made of tightly woven fabrics reduce the chance of catching fire.
Information about the Author:
Read About Hair Care Also Read About How To Buy Toddler Clothes and Cleaning Your Child

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Post Birth Survival Guide

In order to make the first few days after your baby is born into the most positive, happy and relaxed time where you get to spend the maximum amount of time with your beautiful brand-new tiny baby, these are the things that you should allow yourself to do no matter what.

Try to breastfeed your baby. It is what your body is built to do and it also promotes the love hormone oxytocin to help you bond with your baby. There is nothing on earth that will create a bond as strong as breastfeeding your newborn baby.

Skin to skin contact
Have as much skin to skin contact with your newborn as possible. Have your newborn lying on your chest with just a nappy on and a blanket draped around them to keep them warm. That skin on skin contact will give you a surge of hormones that brings you and your baby ever more closer and strengthens the unique mother-child connection between you.

Love your pyjamas
If you Want to stay in your pyjamas until it's time to go bed again at night, then you do just that! All that matters is that you and your baby get to spend as much time with each
other as possible in those first few days and weeks, so love your pyjamas! Heck, why not get a few extra pairs!

Bath with your baby
A lovely, relaxing, positive thing to do is to get into a warm bath. Then lower your baby slowly and, of course, very carefully into the water on his back.Then bring him to your chest for
a cuddle. Not only are you both relaxing in this warm cocoon of water, but you are also having skin to skin contact as well. This can only promote confidence happiness and positivity
in your newborn.

Never say no to extra help
If your mom offers to do the laundry or your neighbour or friend offers to collect the other children from school, just say yes! This gives you more time to relax and settle into
the routine of a new baby. It also gives you more time to play with and get to know your beautiful little newborn so accept as much help as possible.

Fill that freezer
Make sure that in the week or two run up to the birth, you get friends, family and yourself to cook lots of meals which you can freeze. Then once baby has arrived you can just pull out
pre cooked delicious meals, shove them in the oven and not have to worry about preparing food in the evenings. Therefore you can enjoy more time with your baby.

Catnap, catnap, catnap
Try to get as many snatches of extra sleep as possible, so when baby sleeps you can have a sleep too. Grab as many catnaps as you can during the day and this will help compensate for
all the broken, sleepless nights that you're bound to experience.

Ignore the house work
The house work can wait. The housework doesn't care. House work is irrelevant when it comes to the birth of a new baby. So don't panic, you can be sure lots of people will be happy to chip in with a bit of tidying! You just focus on getting some rest and being with your beautiful bouncing baby.
Information about the Author:
Fern Joseph is a mother of three who is passionate about pregnancy and general nutrition. Visit her website at