Sunday, December 20, 2009

Your Guide to Emotional Recovery after Abortion

Losing a child, especially through abortion, is not an easy thing to deal with. Women who go through abortion, for whatever reason, often suffer from bouts of guilt, depression, and sadness with the feeling of having lost something. There are a lot of things that might go on in the mind of someone who has had an abortion, and if these things go unresolved, it may cause that person to do certain things they wouldn’t normally do. Some of these things may include turning to substance abuse, like alcohol or drugs or even hurting oneself to help release the feelings of guilt, depression, and anger that may be coursing through their mind. Recovering emotionally as well as mentally from an abortion requires more than just trying to come to terms with what happened, it also requires a little help from people around you and from deep within yourself.

Getting Started

When you are faced with the fact that you had an abortion, you may sometimes want to hide from that reality by turning to things that might make you forget about your feelings like drugs or alcohol. These are just temporary reprieves from reality and after your “fix”, you find yourself faced with the fact that it did happen and the bad feelings you have about it are still there. There are others who, instead of trying to forget, want to remember and continuously punish themselves for what happened by constantly remembering. These actions do not work towards your healing and do not help you recuperate from the bad feelings you have about the abortion.

The first thing you need to do is to face the reality that it did happen and you have to learn to move on. One of the ways for you to come to terms with the pain of the loss or the feeling of sadness and guilt you might have over it is to find someone you can trust and share these feelings with. This should be a person you feel won’t judge you for what you have done and would be open to helping you get over these emotions you have about having an abortion.

Finding Someone to Share it With

Finding the right person to share this burden with is never easy. You might think that you can share this emotional burden you have over the abortion with your partner, your sister, your mom, or someone else close to you but then you might think that they will judge you harshly for what you did. If your partner was part of the decision to have the child aborted, is he the right person to talk to about these feelings? You need to ask yourself a few questions about your partner and your relationship before you can decide that he can share the emotional burden with you. Are members of your family close to you? Did they influence you to have the abortion in any way? You may need to find a person you know who will understand why you did what you did and not judge you for it and whether it is a friend, a neighbor or a professional, talking about it and facing it are the first steps to getting yourself to heal emotionally from the abortion.
Information about the Author:
Florida Abortion Clinic. Dr. James S. Pendergraft opened the Abortion Clinics Orlando in March 1996 to provide a full range of health care for women, including Florida abortion clinic, physical examinations, family planning, counseling, laboratory services and sexually transmitted disease screening and counseling.